Our experienced Dietitians offer a practical, realistic approach to healthy eating and nutrition, guided the latest science.

About Dietetics
Our Dietitians are highly experienced and specialise in helping people manage conditions including obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and metabolic syndrome (hypertension, hypercholesterolaemia etc.).
We also have a thorough knowledge of FODMAP diets and their use as an effective dietary therapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Symptoms of IBS include excessive wind (flatus), abdominal pain, bloating and distension, nausea and changes in bowel habits (diarrhoea and/or constipation). Suitable dietary intervention may reduce symptoms of fatigue, lethargy and poor concentration as well.
Coeliac, Crohn’s and Diverticular Disease are all commonly treated conditions where dietary change can make a significant difference. Our dietitians can help you make healthier choices through their expertise in health coaching. They may discuss things like food quality, fasting, portion control, healthy snack options (if appropriate), and a whole range of other dietary factors important in the management of your health. The direction a dietitian may take with you depends upon your health and medical condition(s).
Approximately 60% of Australians are overweight or obese and this has the potential to increase the risk of many conditions, like some forms of cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, joint degeneration, pain, reduced productivity and quality of life.
Many of our clients have lost significant weight and they have kept it off for years. Most have committed to regular supervised group exercise at Active One and make mostly sensible, healthy food choices. And they do this as part of their “new” life, these things become habits rather than some short term fads that can’t last for more than 2-3 months.
Our Dietitians will assess the potential causes of obesity and create a plan in collaboration with you. Small changes to your lifestyle are usually all that are required. We all know that changes are often simple, but not easy! However, with our support your chances of success will be much higher.
Healthier choices made habitually for life are enough for most people to maintain a healthier weight. Everyone has their own unique physiology, psychology and lifestyle. A one size fits all approach does not work and so an appointment with us will result in the creation of your unique plan.
Metabolic Syndrome
Metabolic syndrome is a collection of disorders that occur together and increase your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke and some forms of cancer. Metabolic syndrome is not a disease in itself, but a collection of risk factors that often occur together. These include abdominal obesity, raised blood pressure, high triglycerides, low levels of “good”cholesterol (HDL) and impaired glucose tolerance.
This syndrome is very common. Modern western lifestyles contribute significantly. For example, physical inactivity is common. Sitting for prolonged periods whilst driving, sitting at work or excessive sedentary leisure time on computers (or watching TV) and a lack of daily moderate to high intensity exercise all contribute.
And modern western eating patterns typically include excess amounts of highly refined, processed and fast foods (usually laden with sugar and saturated/trans fat), insufficient plant food intake, excess alcohol consumption and a normalisation of “monster portions“. Balancing the demands of work and making healthy choices is often difficult, and can affect stress levels and sleeping patterns negatively, further contributing to Metabolic Syndrome progression.
Cardiovascular disease
At Active One, our dietitians often treat cardiovascular disease. This is usually in combination with medication and/or surgical intervention, depending on the severity of the disease.
It is well established that the food choices we make can either promote healthy blood vessels allowing for normal blood flow, or promote the formation of plaque in the arteries (atherosclerosis) that can potentially block blood flow, leading to hypertension, heart attack, stroke and other problems.
There is strong evidence suggesting that a diet based on whole plant foods is associated with healthy triglycerides, cholesterol and improved endothelial function. Eating plenty of vegetables, salads, nuts, legumes and whole grains like oats are all likely to promote healthy blood vessels free of inflammation and blockages.
Our dietitians will educate you on foods that promote cardiovascular health and support you whilst you work on changing your behaviours.
At Active One, our dietitians play a key role in our diabetes clinic. The food choices we make have a significant impact on our health and the management of conditions like diabetes. Our dietitians help with the optimal management of all types of diabetes by providing education and strategies to manage some of the common queries or issues people with diabetes may have.
With modern technologies like Continuous Glucose Monitoring, we can access via a report, your bodies glucose response to certain foods. This evidence can then be used to modify your diet to ensure your glucose levels stay for the most part, within the desired ranges.
So the quality of the food, food combinations, the quantity of the food, the speed at which it is eaten and the timing of your meals and snacks are all important when managing diabetes.
For example…how do different foods affect blood glucose levels? What impact can weight loss have on glucose (and insulin levels)? And how can you prevent and or manage hypos?
Carbohydrate Counting
A key component of managing an insulin regime is learning to “Carb Count”. Calculating carbohydrate intake and the necessary insulin dose can be challenging, however with the support of our experienced dietitians, you will work through the process step by step until you understand it and can apply it to your everyday life.
This service can significantly improve the management of your diabetes (when on insulin or medications that increase insulin secretion) and in doing will improve your health and quality of life. People that utilise this service are typically newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, have type 2 diabetes but are moving onto insulin or someone who is starting to use an insulin pump.
Gastro-intestinal nutrition
Dietitians at Active One have a special interest in food intolerances that involve an inability to digest food, which results in common symptoms like stomach pains, constipation, diarrhoea, bloating, nausea and or irregular bowel movements.
FODMAPS, Coeliac, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn’s and Diverticular Disease all commonly treated by our experienced dietitians.
Call now to book a dietetics session – 8707 0830.